
Welcome to my Blog! This chronicles the events that took place in the Earth's 21st century, a time when humanity had traversed a course that would lead us to the brink of extinction. Hello, my name is Khalia, I am a scientist writing to you from the Earth year 2810. It is my hope through historical perspective and the current events of my time to expand on the ever growing consciousness that had developed at that critical time in Earth's/Humanity's history. Let me say that time travel is not possible, but through the channeling of energy via the now known "Dimension Vortex", I am able to communicate via the electronic medium you call the "Internet". I am excited as well as apprehensive about my undertaking. Although one may ask, Is there a time space paradigm occuring?; in some cases that may be, but for the most part No. Putting ideas, thoughts, philosophies, enlightenment into your collective consciousness only enhances what has already begun. I hope that you will enjoy my interpretation of the events of your time and my thoughts on how humanity can/will overcome the pressing issues of your time.

Khalia C. 11/01/2810

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