Indulge me if you will and let me spin this idea. Imagine if you will, that all citizens of the world demanded that all companies that manufacture any sort of machinery, process or energy that produces CO2 emissions, convert all those products/processes to operate with ZERO – “0” CO2 emissions and ZERO pollutants. Cars, trucks, trains, ships, boats, lawnmowers, leaf blowers, you name it, would operate with engines, propulsion systems that use renewable energy: bio-diesel, hydrogen, compressed air, solar energy, geothermal, water and any type of non-CO2 emitting energy/technology. This, my friends, in short is what needs to happen NOW to stem the tide of Global Warming!! This mandate by the world’s citizens would bring about the greatest industrial revolution known to mankind. But not just an industrial revolution but a Climatic Revolution whose purpose is to forestall and if not reverse the trends of the past 100 years of global climate change that is afflicting our planet.
In your time, one of the most compelling and telling tales of the affliction of global climatic change was authored by one of the United States presidents – Al Gore. His documentary – “An Inconvenient Truth”, would open the eyes of many of the world’s citizens to the increasing and radical changes that were occurring to our planet. I can tell you that in 2810 his film is used as an educational tool in our schools. The impact of the film was slow at first, but gained in its momentum within 5 years of its release. If you have not seen this film, please DO! If you come away with anything from the film, it is that everyone has an effect on our planet. As such, we can, each one of us, take responsibility for our actions and demand that our governments do so as well to protect the only home we know – Earth.
One might say then, that the mandate postulated here is way beyond the current collective consciousness. That may be, but (here is a hint or plug for the collective consciousness) - Life on Earth still exists in 2810, so you tell me, is this mandate doable? Take a guess.
I hope this post compels some thought and action! I look forward to my next post, until then - "We are All One in Life and Love"
Khalia C. 11/16/2810
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