
Greetings! FYI - My posts will be updated sporadically due to the nature of the Dimension Vortex. Unfortunately matters are also complicated due to the fact that I am limited to one Dimension Vortex “Transfer” per cycle (every 3 months). My apologies, but in my position, use of energy is strictly monitored, but the powers that be know that the intention of my “Blog Posts” is to enlighten humanity in its time of need.

Speaking of my position, I want to elaborate on what it is I work on in 2810. I work as a scientist for The Ministry of Energy and Planetary Resources. My “Job” is to research and develop sustainable energy and fuels from our Planet’s resources. My work entails traveling to all continents and the Moon. The “Field” trips are usually to one of our many satellite locations. The group of scientists, from multiple disciplines that I work with, assist in developing renewable energy that is safe, non-polluting and resource conservative – that means that the renewable will not use more energy than it provides.

In 2810, Earth’s continents are not so much separated by countries, but by “Ecological Zones”. I’ll explain in greater detail the break down of the zones in a future post. Within those Ecological Zones, the Ministry has several satellite facilities. Each Ecological Zone facility is responsible for research and development of a potential renewable. The Eco-Zone facilities warehouse a huge database containing all matter of data that is particular to that Zone. Data from all Ecological Zone facilities is also stored in a few central locations to access all information simultaneously. Now you can imagine the computing power that it would take to store this data. And in case you were wondering – Yes companies like Intel, Microsoft, and Oracle have survived and are alive and well in 2810. These are some of the major players that assisted with the creation of this database; there are other companies that I can not divulge to you because of the space time continuum paradox.

The development of the Ecological Zones stemmed from a change in humanity’s view of life on our planet that occurred by the end of the 22nd century. The Gaia Hypothesis (an ecological hypothesis that proposes that living and nonliving parts of the earth are viewed as a complex interacting system that can be thought of as a single organism1) was brought to the forefront of humanity’s quest for survival. We changed the way we looked at the world; no longer would we view ourselves as separate from our surroundings –our environment, but as part of a complex living organism. In the ensuing centuries, The Gaia Hypothesis became the basis for a paradigm shift in humanity’s view of life and the catalyst for our planet’s survival. The Earth – Gaia this living, breathing organism was finally embraced by all mankind.

All knowledge then was reassessed, so that science could truly evolve in line with the one living organism, and use the knowledge to breakdown all of the symbiotic processes of the one organism. From the Earth’s core to the moon, the sun, etc., we learned to work with these systems without causing massive disruption or destruction as was the case in your century.

As I post I will be underlining key words/terms, that I will explain in future posts.

As you can imagine our planet is a complex organism. Till this day -800 years into your future, we are still discovering the complexity and interconnectedness of all things on Earth. My work then has a directive that comes from Gaia – “To use what is given, without causing harm or major disruptions to an Ecosystem”. That is my work, my life and my passion. I hope you have enjoyed this post. I look forward to my next post – until then – “We are All One in Life and Love”


Khalia C. 11/08/2810

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